NEPM: National Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Measure 1998
Made by NEPC: 27 February 1998
Commenced: Clauses 1&2: 4 March 1998, Remaining clauses: 1 July 1998
Please contact the relevant jurisdictional agency regarding detailed implementation information for this NEPM. Decisions about the way in which NEPMs are implemented are made by each jurisdiction individually.
National Pollutant Inventory NEPM Goal
1. To collect a broad base of information on emissions and transfers of substances on the reporting list, and
2. To disseminate the information collected to all sectors of the community in a useful, accessible and understandable form.
In April 2008, NEPC commenced the process to vary the NEPM, in order to remove greenhouse gas and energy reporting requirements now covered by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 . The current NPI NEPM (as varied) was made in November 2008. The NPI does not include greenhouse gas emissions.
Desired Environmental Outcomes
- the maintenance and improvement of
- ambient air quality; and
- ambient marine, estuarine and fresh water quality;
- the minimisation of environmental impacts associated with hazardous wastes; and
- an improvement in the sustainable use of resources.