NEPM: National Environment Protection (Diesel Vehicle Emissions) Measure 2001
Made by NEPC: 29 June 2001
Commenced: 18 July 2001
Please contact the relevant jurisdictional agency regarding detailed implementation information for this NEPM. Decisions about the way in which NEPMs are implemented are made by each jurisdiction individually.
In May 2009, the NEPC made a minor variation to the NEPM to incorporate developments in diesel vehicle emissions technologies and experience gained in implementing the NEPM. Many jurisdictions continue to implement smoky vehicle programs as well as diesel emission testing and repair programs. Please refer to individual jurisdictional agencies for more detailed information.
Diesel Vehicle Emissions NEPM Goal:
To reduce exhaust emissions from diesel vehicles, by facilitating compliance with in-service emissions standards fro diesel vehicles.
Desired Environmental Outcomes:
To reduce pollution from in-service diesel vehicles.